Lamayuru-Padum-Darcha Trek (INDIA)

18 days trek in 11 days. 200 Km by foot.
Through rain, snow, wind... It was incredible, funny and not easy.
The first three days we were going alone with our backpacks
(appr. 25 kg each one with all equipment, include gas, food, tent).
On the firth day we'd rented some help ( very cute donkey with his
owner - very funny grandpa ) and our backpacks got easier for some
10 kgs. Last 3 days we had a horse. Sometimes we'd slept in the houses
of local peoples, one time in nunnery school ( school for nunns with crazy
nuns :), but usually in our tent.
Up and Down, almost always on the edge of the gap.

This is the our way with altitudes and walking hours. All names with "La"
means mountain passes. Names and altitudes taked from Ladakh-Zanskar

(right chronology - from first to last day ).

And now you can comment (in the bottom of page - not just for members!)
To enlarge, just click on the image.

Day 1: Lamayuru - WanLa 3245m 6h.
Day 2: WanLa - Hanupatta 3780m 7h.
Day 3: Hanupatta - Sisir La 4990m - Photoksar 4100m 10h.
Day 4: Photoksar - Singi La 5060m - Base of Singi La 4375m 9h.
Day 5: Base Singi La -Nietukse La-Lingshot Gompa - Base Haluma La 8h.
Day 6: Base of Haluma La - Haluma La 4750m - Base of Purfi La 8h.
Day 7: Base of Purfi La - Purfi La 3950m - Zangla 10h.
Day 8: Padum 3531 (rest).
Day 9: Reru - Kuru 10h.
Day 10: Kuru - Base of Shingu La 10h.
Day 11: Base of Shingu La - Shingu La 5097m. - Darcha 11h.


Dimitri Davidoff said...

Hello to all my family and friends! MISS u much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dima. Nice travel and foto.

Anonymous said...

hi dima. thank's four up dated me on your's trip . nice pic . have a nice trip . shabat shalom

Anonymous said...

HI Dima!
Была, видела, впечатлилась... Завидую завистью белой. Великолепные места. Прямо-таки край света.
Целую. Береги себя.


Anonymous said...

Загорел то под солнышком. А так отличный видеорепортаж о путешествии. Пожелание - снимай побольше природу, пейзажи.

Anonymous said...

Привет Димочка! Фотки просто класс! Я горжусь тобой! Повезло ж мне! :)))